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Garowe(Mogadishu24)-21,801 Students on Saturday sat for Grade 8, and Secondary School Examinations in Puntland State in Somalia according to the Ministry of Education.

President Said Abdullahi Deni launched the start the scheduled exams while distributing copies of the exam papers to students at Puntland State University(PSU) in Garowe, the administrative capital this morning.

“It is great honor for to come here today and participate this Occassion on launching certificate exams of Puntland in 2023/2024 which are happening in all areas under Puntland State, I appreciate the Ministry of Education that the Minister, his deputy and State Ministers lead for organizing this huge service well”, Deni said, wishing the students for success.

According to the Ministry of Education report, a total of 21,801 students sat for the exams. This figure is divided into 12,155 male students, representing 55.75% of the total, and 9,646 female students, making up 44.25%. These numbers highlight the continued efforts to encourage both genders to pursue education.

According to the data, 14,239 students are participating for Grad 8 Exam, 7,824 of them are male while 6,415 are female while 6,415 leaving school(Secondary) students will be attending the exam, 4,331 are male participants and 3,231 of them are female participants.

The Ministry of Education said that the examinations are taking place at 140 centers across Puntland State.

Puntland State runs its education system and takes exams from the school leaving students in areas under its control, but the Students seek certificates from the Federal Ministry of Education, despite having given certificates in their region and conflict with the Federal Government on Education and examinations management.

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