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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somali National Army and Jubaland State forces killed 27 Al-Shabaab militants and injured others after heavy fighting between the two sides at Bar-Sanguni army base near Kismayo city in lower Jubba region.

Jubaland State Police Commander, Sadiq Mohamud Dhogor said Thursday that the four of the group fighters were captured alive during the heavy fighting between the joint forces and Al-Shabaab.

“You defeated the terrorists, and gained great and historic success. Be vigilent and defend the enemy. You see that we were recovering their dead bodies from the bush and they fled to Jamama district”, Dhogor told the joint forces.

Al-Shabaab militants did not comment on the deadly fighting at Bar-sanguni area northwest of Kismayo yesterday so far.

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