Best news channels in Mogadishu | Best news channels in Somalia | News channels in Mogadishu

WhatsApp Image 2024 03 11 at 2.02.22 PM

Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Police Force Commissioner, Gen. Sulub Ahmed Firin on Monday closed training for 300 of new Police Unit after completing training courses here in the capital Mogadishu.

“These forces who are swearing here today, will be assigned to take part in ensuring the security of the capital Mogadishu during the holy month of Ramadan, they are 300 trained soldiers”, Firin said.

WhatsApp Image 2024 03 11 at 2.02.24 PM

Showcasing such forces came a day after Al-Shabaab militants attacked several mortar rounds into army bases including police and security headquarters in Mogadishu while the local municipality also accused of the group to be behind the devastating fire into Somalia’s biggest market, Bakara yesterday.

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