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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somali National Army backed by the local forces, Macawislay killed 60 Al-Shabaab militants after conducting operation at an area between Masagaway and Ceel-Dheer towns in Galgudud region under Galmudug State in central parts of the country.

SNA infantry Commander, Dayah Abdi Abdulle told SNA-radio that the forces carried out the operation at frosty area near Cows-weyne and Masagaway where the group was re-organizing themselves.

Al-Shabaab claimed to have killed 27 SNA soldiers and wounded 38 others during the fighting with the army in the same region yesterday.

There are no independent sources verifying the claims made by the two sides, but the region hosted the worst deadly clashes between the Somali National Army, Al-Shabaab and clans in the two years.

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