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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-At least seven people were killed on Monday night in the Hananbuure area, located 45 kilometers from Dhusamareeb, the administrative capital of Galmudug State, due to renewed inter-clan clashes.

Local sources have reported intense fighting between two armed clan militias in the area, stemming from disputes related to the digging of a water well.

Community leaders from both warring clans and the Galmudug State Administration have called for a meeting to de-escalate the situation and seek a peaceful resolution through dialogue.

This incident occurred just a week after five people, including a Quranic schoolteacher and his students, were killed near the Haji Ali area in the Adale district of the Middle Shabelle region.

Local sources have indicated that these individuals were killed because of clan clashes in the Middle Shabelle region over the two weeks.

The federal government of Somalia has called for an immediate ceasefire among the warring communities and urged them to engage in peaceful dialogue.

Two months ago, more than ten people were killed in inter-clan conflicts in the Adale and Raage-Ceele districts within the Middle Shabelle region.

Former Somali President Shariff Sheikh Ahmed led a peace mission that successfully facilitated peaceful dialogue to resolve conflicts between the warring communities.

Prolonged inter-clan conflicts have had a long-lasting impact on the Somali community, affecting livelihoods and peaceful coexistence among families.

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