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Addis Ababa(Mogadishu24)-The Prime Minister of Ethiopia, Abiye Ahmed presented a comprehensive report to the President of the World Bank, Ajay Banga, outlining his government’s plans for reforming the economy.

During his visit to Ethiopia, President Banga acknowledged various challenges that Ethiopia has encountered, both on the global and national level, including climate and environmental changes.

The Prime Minister emphasized the importance of the President’s visit, and stated that the World Bank plays a critical role in promoting Ethiopia’s economy.

“The World Bank will be instrumental to our economic growth in expanding its scope of partnership with Ethiopia through increased concessional financing, robust investment financing through IFC, and support for our home-grown economic reform agenda.”

Ethiopia has made important achievements in its economic development with the construction and operationalization of 13 industry parks, as well as agro-processing industry parks, which have generated full-time employment opportunities for thousands of Ethiopian citizens.

The Prime Minister and the President of the World Bank visited two of these industry parks as part of Ethiopia’s efforts to create a conducive environment for investments, further promoting the country’s economy and reducing unemployment rates.

“Together with World Bank President Ajay Banga, we visited two industries actively producing in one of our nationwide industry parks. Ethiopia has great potential and is creating a conducive environment for more investments in various industries,” said Abiye Ahmed.

Moreover, President Banga expressed admiration for Ethiopia’s commitment to fundamental development objectives and its focus on fostering economic growth.


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