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Dhusamareb(Mogadishu24)-The Somalia National Army, with support from US Africom Command forces, killed five Al-Shabaab militants following joint ground and air operations conducted on Tuesday morning. The operation targeted Al-Shabaab’s hideouts situated 35 kilometers south of Gal’ad district in the Galgadud region.

Government forces reported that the militants were convening for a meeting and preparing for attacks in the region. As they fearlessly taken swift actions and effectively killed the militants according to military sources obtained by Mogadishu24

The Sources further said that the forces have destroyed Al-Shabaab’s hiding locations, weapons, and other explosive materials.

Al-Shabaab militants did not make any comment regarding the attack on their hideouts and potential casualties.

The Somali National Army, in collaboration with internal partners, have been engaged in operations aimed at eradicating Al-Shabaab militants from the country.

Airstrike operations have inflicted huge civilian casualties in the areas where ongoing operations have been conducted, with the most recent incident occurring in Galhareri five days ago, killing a three years old child and injuring eight other civilians.

These operations comes at a time when the Government has officially initiated the second and final phase of its anti-Al-Shabaab war, known as ‘Black Lion Operation.’

The Completion of the first phase of the offensive and the second ‘Black Lion Operation’ was scheduled to commence in Galmudug State of Somalia. President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud of the Federal Government has embarked on an undisclosed duration in Dhusamareb, the regional capital, aimed to scale up the Operation’ and mobilize local communities to actively cooperate with the government in countering the militants.

Senior army officials confirmed that the Somali National Army and the local forces, Macawisley are advancing to Ceel-buur and Galhareri towns in Galgudud region which still remain in the control of Al-Shabaab fighters. No one can exactly tell how long would it take to end this operation as the group also control large swathes in the southcentral Somalia.

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