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Garissa(Mogadishu24)-At least six people were killed on Wednesday in Kunaso area of Garissa County, North-eastern Kenya, after renewed clan clashes emerged between two neighbouring Somali communities.

Local residents said that the clan militias have stopped a Probox vehicle carrying passengers and killed all the six occupants.

Two among the victims of the attack are high-school students who were on their way home for a holiday.

The cause of these renewed clashes remains unknown, but local residents stated that the conflicts have emerged from land-related disagreements two weeks ago.

“The six people who killed were traveling in a vehicle heading to Hulugho, which was stopped by the militias and all of them were executed, including two high-school students who were going home for the holiday. The two students were not from either of the conflicting tribes,” said a resident who chose not to be mentioned for security reasons.

Efforts to reach the County Commissioner bore no fruits, but sources confirmed that the police have started conducting operation in search of the criminals behind these killings.

Garissa County Governor, Nadhif Jama Adan, expressed deep sorrow and called for an urgent meeting involving County leaders, security officials and religious leaders.

“I have just learnt with sadness and anger the killing earlier today of six persons in the outskirts of Kunaso area of Garissa town. It is said that two of those killed were taxi drivers heading to Hulugho. These heinous cowardly acts of targeting and killing innocent persons of the county is unacceptable and intolerable,” the Governor said.

He added, “To this effect, I have just agreed with the County Commissioner that we convene an urgent meeting this coming Saturday, August 19th. We will communicate the meeting venue in due course, and I invite all county leadership, elders, ulema, as well as security officials to attend.”

This comes barely a week after a man was attacked inside his home and killed, however, the security apparatus made no arrests.

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