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Athens(Mogadishu24)-20 people including Somali Nationals are in dire need of urgent assistance after attempting to seek illegal immigration to European countries through Greece according to an update over the condition of these migrants by refugee agency today on Wednesday.

These people, majority of whom are Somali nationals, include 9 women, 7 men, and 4 children who are currently facing severe hunger and deprivation on the Island of Lesvos, Greece. Additionally, the group is have no access to proper food, water, and medical services.

‘For Refugee’, an international organization offering support to individuals seeking refuge, has raised concerns and urgently appealed for the rescue and transfer of these individuals to hospitals or refugee camps.

“Twenty people are in urgent need of help. The 9 women, 7 men, and 4 children are on the island of Lesvos,”

“We call on for their transfer to Vial RIC Camp, or Hospital. Relevant actors on Lesvos have been informed,” the statement said.

The organization also appealed for measures to ensure their well-being and discourage any potential return to Turkey.

“We make this post and tag as many concerned agencies as possible to increase their chances of survival and not being pushed back to Turkey,” the statement adds.

Somalia has been grappling with insecurity and violence since the collapse of a functional government in 1991, leading to a prolonged civil war.

This has had numerous impacts on the federal government’s ability to recover and rebuild its institutions. The consequences have extended to job creation and the implementation of the 4.5 resource sharing system.

Due to these challenges, thousands of Somali citizens, including women and children, undergo arduous journeys to seek refuge in European countries, either through dubious routes from Turkey and South American countries or by sea.

Thousands of these immigrants are held captive by smugglers in coastal regions in Libya, where they endure mistreatment and torture until huge ransoms are paid to the smugglers by the families of each individual.

According to the International Organization for Migration (IOM), an average of between 2500 to 3000 people die or go missing at sea every year.

In 2023, the data shows that the total number of missing people and deaths adds up to 2652.

Somalia’s Prime Minister, Hamza Abdi Barre, expressed concerns about the prevailing unemployment situation in the country a month ago. He specifically pointed out the shortcomings of the 4.5 resource sharing system used in power and resource allocation, noting that it exacerbates division and tribalism, ultimately contributing to unemployment.

“During employment, merit-based considerations take a backseat, leading to a pervasive sense of unfairness and limited upward mobility. Consequently, our youth, witnessing this nepotistic environment, may feel compelled to seek opportunities abroad through illegal immigration. It is truly distressing to encounter intellectuals who have gone through years to education and work, only to resort illegal means like immigration due to the lack of fair prospects.”

Mogadishu24 received some photos including the Somali Nationals which were published on the social media of the Refugee Agency, but We could not use it.

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