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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Federal Government of Somalia received £5 million from the United Kingdom through the United Nations Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) on Tuesday to support Somalia’s security forces in their intensified war against Al-Shabaab.

The security funding was announced during a meeting between Somalia’s National Security Advisor, Hussein Sheikh Ali, and the UK’s Deputy National Security Adviser for International Affairs, Dame Sarah MacIntosh.

During her visit to Somalia, the two security advisors discussed a wide range of issues, including counterterrorism, security sector development, sanctions, and the strategic partnership between Somalia and the UK.

This funding is part of the UK’s ongoing contributions to Somalia’s security and stability through the UNSOS Trust Fund, which provides support to Somali Security Forces in the form of non-lethal aid such as food, shelter, and medical support.

UK National Security Adviser Dame Sarah MacIntosh emphasized the importance of this financial support in Somalia’s pursuit of peace.

“The UK and Somalia security partnership is important for bringing stability and security to Somalia and the region,” stated Ms. Sarah MacIntosh.

She reiterated the United Kingdom’s commitment to offering extensive support to the Somali government in stabilizing the recently liberated areas.

“The UK will continue to support Somali-led efforts to combat terrorism and restore stability in the recaptured areas of the country,” she added.

The UK funding will provide ongoing support for operations against Al-Shabaab and assist Somalia’s Security Forces in building their capacity as they take on greater responsibility for security.

This funding comes two weeks after Somalia received $2 million through the UN Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS) Trust Fund to strengthen the fight against Al-Shabaab.

“This contribution comes at a pertinent time and will positively impact our activities in providing agile logistics support to Somali Security Forces. Our support package is mandated by the UN Security Council and priorities in implementing this support are set by the Federal Government of Somalia,” said Aisa Kirabo Kacyira, Head of UNSOS.

Just a month ago, Somalia received a significant boost in debt relief with a $75 million grant from the World Bank, aimed at strengthening efforts to build robust institutions.

The government of Russia also signed an agreement in Saint Petersburg exempting $640 million of debt relief for the Federal Government of Somalia.

These fundings and debt reliefs are huge achievements toward implementing potential reforms to build functional institutions and strengthens Somalia’s pursuit of peace and stability.

Despite facing several challenges, Somalia has managed to maintain macroeconomic stability, which has garnered huge attention and support from global funding and international organizations.

The country’s institutional reforms and achievements in the war against Al-Shabaab militants have played a vital role in its journey toward peace and debt relief.

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