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Hajj Service

Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Committee in charge of Competitions for Airline Companies and Agencies Providing Hajj/Pilgrimage Transportation Services for the upcoming year 1445/2024 has announced Daallo Airlines Company as the winner of the competition, following its successful fulfilment of the requirements.

In a press conference held on Tuesday, the Chairman of the Somali Hajj Competitions Committee, Mohamed Hajji Ibrahim Ali, declared that the committee meticulously reviewed applications from seven airline agencies which applied for these services.

“The committee received applications from seven Somali-owned airline agencies, all of which underwent a two-week review process. In the presence of the Minister of Endowment and Religious Affairs, we have made the decision to announce Daallo Airlines Company as the competition’s winner,” stated Mohamed Hajji Ibrahim, the committee’s chairman.

He added, “While all agencies expressed their commitment to serving the Somali people, Daallo Airlines stood out with its exceptional plans, efficiency, and effectiveness in serving the Somali people, as shown during last year’s Hajj period.”

The chairman emphasized that the committee also took into account the cost-effectiveness of the tickets offered by the airline companies.

“We selected Daallo Airlines due to the trust it has garnered among the Somali people, its track record in delivering quality customer service over the past years, and the affordability of its tickets in line with the Somali government’s directives. Last year, this airline operated three airplanes for pilgrim transportation, and it has now presented an additional airplane to serve the Somali people,” he added.

On October 11th, Somalia’s Minister of Endowment and Religious Affairs, Sheikh Muktar Robow Ali, appointed this committee responsible for organizing competitions for Hajj/Pilgrimage services.

The Minister explained that this committee’s role is to oversee competitions among companies and organizations bidding to provide Hajj services for the upcoming year 1445/2024.

The committee consists of the following members: Mohamed Hajji Ibrahim Ali (Chairman), Abdinur Maalim Mohamed (Vice Chairman), Ibrahim Robow Ali, Sheikh Ali Sheikh Mohamud, Abdalle Abdirahman Abdullahi, Hajji Mohamed Keyrow Adan, Dr. Sheikh Yussuf Ali Eynte, Adam Sadik Mohamed, and Dr. Khadar Hajji Dahir.

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