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Hargeysa(Mogadishu24)-The Breakaway Republic of Somalia on Saturday opposed lifting Arms Embargo on Somalia by the United Nations Security Resolution on Friday evening, saying the lifting the embargo could fuel these groups, jeopardizing regional security and exacerbating ongoing humanitarian crises.

Somaliland Ministry of foreign Issues said in a statement today that it expresses a deep concern over the UN decision and said that the devastating civil war in Somalia claimed the lives of over 200,000 Somaliland citizens.

“We have firsthand experience with the devastating consequences of uncontrolled arms proliferation, and we remain vigilant against the threat of extremist groups and militia forces”, the statement said.

“The emergence of clan militia groups such as Laasnod ones,  aligning themselves with extremist entities presents a clear and present danger in the region. Lifting the embargo could fuel these groups, jeopardizing regional security and exacerbating ongoing humanitarian crises”, the statement stated.

The Statement stressed this raises serious concerns regarding the potential diversion of weapons to terrorist and extremist groups, further destabilizing the region.

“An arms race among extremist militia groups in Somalia is a distinct possibility when the embargo is already lifted. This would undoubtedly undermine regional security and stability, creating a dangerous arms-fueled environment”, said the statement.

Somaliland urged the UN Security Council to thoroughly consider the serious ramifications of lifting the arms embargo, and establish effective enforcement and protection mechanisms to curb the proliferation of weapons in Somalia before considering any changes to the current embargo.

Somaliland added that it remains committed to constructive collaboration with regional stakeholders and the international community. We are dedicated to addressing pressing concerns that pose a threat to regional peace, security, and stability.

Somaliland’s opposition to UN Security Council’s resolution on lifting arms embargo on Somalia came a week after the East African Community admitted Somalia into the bloc, a decision that the Somaliland did not also welcome, but opposed similalry.

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