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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The National Security Advisor to the President of the Federal Government of Somalia, Hussein Sheikh Ali, reaffirmed that Somalia meets international standards for managing weapons as required by the UN Security Council.

In an interview with the BBC Somali Service, the National Security Advisor stated that Somalia will have access to any weapons following the lifting of the Arms Embargo.

“From December 1st, Somalia will have access and permission to purchase any arms as long as it is guided by government security measures. We are confident that we can manage and control the entry of weapons into our country, and our political and institutional progress has convinced the UNSC to lift the ban imposed on Somalia three decades ago,” said Hussein Sheikh Ali, the National Security Advisor to the Somali President.

The advisor added that only the federal government has access to procure weapons through its Defence and Security institutions: The National Army and the Police.

He mentioned that even the federal member states cannot purchase weapons without the approval of the federal government.

“It is only the federal government that has the structured National Army and Police with permission to purchase weapons and facilitate their entry into this country. It is illegal for any other individual or institution to do so,” he stated.

“Federal member states are under the federal government. Although they have the constitutional right to have their armed forces, they are not allowed to purchase weapons unless authorized or procured by the federal government,” he added.

Mr. Hussein stressed the importance of the United Nations’ decision in Somalia’s offensive operations against terrorism.

He stated that it would enhance Somalia’s military power and capabilities to combat insecurity and maintain its national security.

On Friday, the United Nations Security Council lifted the long-lasting arms embargo on Somalia after 31 years since its imposition in 1992, a move the Federal Government of Somalia described as historic with celebrations.

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud said that the move will support Somalia’s state-building efforts, maintain peace and stability, and promote its economic development.

Over the years, Somalia has made substantial progress towards establishing stability and governance, despite facing security threats from the Al-Shabaab terrorist group.

Last week, Somalia was officially admitted to the East African Community at the 23rd Ordinary Summit of the EAC Heads of State in Arusha, Tanzania.

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