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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Federal Government of Somalia has made a decision to significantly increase the salaries of Members of Parliament, set to take effect from January 2024 with the recently approved budget.

The increase involves a 50% raise in salaries and allowances for MPs, a decision reached after a series of meetings and discussions between the Government and Parliament members, followed by protests and demands from over 150 parliamentarians.

Under the new budget, the MPs salaries has been raised to $3,000, with an additional $1,100 allocated for security and the driver, bringing the total to $4,100.

The new average salaries and allowances for MPs will be $5,600, indicating a $1,500 increase for each parliamentarian.

However, while addressing their demands, this will put a strain on the country’s economy, requiring an additional $20 million annually for parliamentarians’ salaries.

The recently approved budget, valued at $1.08 billion, heavily relies on internal income, with the majority coming from taxes.

Analysts warn that the government’s decision to increase MPs’ salaries poses huge threats to Somalia’s national budget.

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