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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somalia’s Deputy Prime Minister, Salah Ahmed Jama, who is the Acting Prime Minister, received Dr. Floribert Ngaruko, the World Bank Director for Africa (Group 1), on Tuesday to discuss recent achievements and future collaboration between the federal government and the World Bank.

During the meeting, Dr. Ngaruko commended the Somali government for its dedicated efforts in reaching the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) completion point, leading to total debt relief on December 13th.

He acknowledged the importance of this milestone for the economic development of the federal government of Somalia.

The Deputy Prime Minister expressed gratitude for the World Bank’s acknowledgment and discussed potential ways for continued support in the post-loan forgiveness phase.

He highlighted key areas of focus, including economic reconstruction, domestic revenue growth, the ongoing fight against corruption, and the realization of the government’s vision for economic self-sufficiency, as outlined by the government.

Mr. Salah further emphasized the government’s commitment to further strengthen these initiatives, fostering a cooperative partnership with the World Bank to ensure sustained economic growth and development in Somalia.

Within this December, Somalia has achieved regional and global milestones, including admission to the East African Community, the lifting of the arms embargo, and total debt forgiveness.

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