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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Commissioner of the Somali Disaster Management Agency (SODMA), Mohamoud Moalim Abdulle, received $1 million from the Chinese government on Tuesday to provide humanitarian assistance to the victims of the El Niño floods and other climate changes.

During an important event in Mogadishu, the Chinese Ambassador to Somalia, Fei Shengchao, handed over the donations to the commissioner of the Agency.

The commissioner of SoDMA, Mohamud Maalim, stated that this support is essential at a time when floods have severely impacted over 2 million people in Somalia.

During a press conference, the commissioner expressed gratitude to the Chinese government and its people for consistently supporting those in distress.

He stated that the Chinese government is also planning to provide food assistance to the affected families in Somalia, addressing poverty and food insecurity in the country.

“Today, we have received one million dollars from the Chinese government, which was handed to us by the Chinese ambassador. This money is meant to provide humanitarian assistance to the flood-affected families during El Niño,” commissioner Moalim said.

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“We are very grateful to the Chinese government and its people for their continued support; this is not the first time. The Chinese government plays an essential role in directly helping the Somali people and addressing pressing issues,” he added.

The Chinese ambassador reiterated his government’s commitment to supporting Somalia during times of crisis.

He highlighted the extreme disasters the Chinese government has faced for more than a hundred years, such as floods, earthquakes, and droughts.

“China stands with Somalia both in good times and bad times. This is because China itself is a natural disaster-prone country. The Chinese suffer from floods, earthquakes, locusts, and droughts for thousands of years,” said Ambassador Fei Shengchao.

The ambassador underlined the importance of the long-lasting bilateral and diplomatic relations between Somalia and China, describing the situation as “a friend in need is a friend indeed.”

The Chinese government has previously pledged $2 million in food aid and $1 million in cash grants. The ambassador announced an additional $1 million to support the flood-affected victims.

This comes a week after the Disaster Agency declared a severe lack of funds, hindering its ability to transport aid to those in need.

The Chinese government has previously provided financial aid to the federal government, addressing humanitarian situations in Jubbaland.

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