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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somali National Army’s Commander for ‘Gor-gor Unit’, Abdi Mohamed Suulnug was killed during fighting between Al-Shabaab fighters and SNA near Camara town in Mudug region in central Somalia.

Government officials including member of Federal Parliament confirmed the killing of the military officer, sharing condolence messages through social media platforms, but did not comment if there were casualties on Al-Shabaab.

Al-Shabaab militants claimed the responsibility for attack, it said that its fighters killed 11 SNA soldiers including the officer in an ambush attack at an area close to Camaara town in Mudug region under Galmudug State.

The group also claimed that its fighters also recovered weapons during heavy fighting with Turkish trained soldiers, Gor-gor unit.

Military Commander’s death comes days after fighting between Al-Shabaab and Somali National Army in the eastern and southern parts of Mudug and Galgudud regions in recent. Airstrike operation were also reported from those fronts in the past two months.

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