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Djibouti(Mogadishu24)-Ugandan Government accepted to host extra-ordinary summit of the Intergovernmental Authority on Development(IGAD) which will focus on tensions between the Federal Government of Somalia, the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia and the situation in Sudan later this week.

Ministry of foreign Affairs of Djibouti said in a statement that Ugandan President, Yaweri Museveni will host the summit on 18th January, 2024 in Kampala, Uganda, saying that his Government will send official invitations to all members states, the African Union, and International Partners through diplomatic channels.

This would be the first diplomatic efforts that IGAD member states take to de-escalate the tension between Somalia and Ethiopia, following the MoU with the breakaway republic of Somaliland, leasing 20 kilometers of sea access to Ethiopia.

The Somali Government received international solidarity over respects of its sovereignty and territorial integrity from the United Nations, the African Union, Arab league, OIC, European Union and other countries like the United States of America, Turkey, Egypt, Eritrea, Djibouti and China.

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