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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Members of the Somalia’s Federal Parliament hailing from Somaliland on Saturday strongly denounced the Memorandum of Understanding(MoU) in which Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed and Somaliland President, Muse Bihi Abdi signed on January 1st, 2024.

The lawmakers said in a joint statement that they stand for defending the sovereignty, territorial integrity and the independence of the Somali people. ” The land is the nation’s heritage and no one has the ability to give to others”, said the statement.

“We support decisions from both houses of the Federal Parliament, the cabinet and the President of the Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud regarding to the MoU which was a violation to the sovereignty of Somalia”, Mps said.

They said that they believe the unity, development, and unity of Somaliland people is line with resuming the path for talks with Somalia fruitfully.

” We are concerned about the Ethiopian Prime Minister’s move against the peace, stability and co-existance of nations in the Horn of Africa. We inform the International community that Abiy will be responsible for blind-folded intention threatening the security in the region”, the statement added.

The Federal Parliament members supported President’s the diplomatic efforts as well as the Government to defend sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country.

The Somali Government firmly refuted the ‘so-called’ deal, terming it null and void and unacceptable because the MoU was leasing 20 kilometres of sea access to Ethiopia. The tension worsened the diplomatic relations between the two neighboring countries. Somalia recalled its Ambassador to Ethiopia while protests against Ethiopia’s actions took place in major cities in the country.

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