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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Kenyan Defense Minister, Aden Barre Duale on Thursday expressed Kenyan Government’s support to the leadership of the Federal Government ofSomalia during his participation of the inauguration ceremony of Puntland State President, Said Abdullahi Deni.

” I really want to tell the people of Somalia and leadership here that the Government of Kenya supports President Hassan Sheikh. We are fully behind the Government of President Hassan Sheikh and we have specific reasons, President Hassan Sheikh for the first time has shown both in action and in deed that he is committed to the security of Somalia and security of the region and in our war against terrorism and also Al-Shabaab”, Duale said.

“The Kenyan Government within the framework of IGAD, within the framework EAC which Somalia is a member working with our partner the EU, the U.S and many many others countries have committed resources, time and energy in making sure Somalia which is part of Horn of Africa that the security, the stability, the peace of this region is achieved”, he added.

Kenya is among the troop contributing countries of the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia and faces Al-Shabaaab’s threat in the region.

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