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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-President of the Federal Government of Somalia, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud held a meeting with Ambassador Ahmed Juma Al-Rumaithi at the Embassy of the United Arab Emirates in Mogadishu two days after the deadliest on Gen. Gordon base in which four UAE officers were killed.

The President and Ambassador Ahmed discussed ways and means to further enhance the longstanding bilateral relations between the two countries according to a Villa-Somalia.

Villa-Somalia said on X that the President Hassan conveyed his condolences to the government of the UAE and the families of the soldiers who tragically lost their lives while on a training mission in Somalia.

The President also expressed his gratitude for the UAE’s multifaceted support to Somalia in areas of security and development.

UAE Ministry of Defense confirmed that 4 members of its Armed Forces and an officer from the Bahrain Defense Force were killed and 2 others injured as a result of the terrorist act in Somalia, while performing their work duties in training and qualifying the Somali Armed Forces.

The U.S, Turkey, Qatar, Egypt, Djibouti, Kenya and other international Partners condemned the attack on Saturday that left at a dozen of Somali soldiers at the military camp and officers from UAE and Bahrain respectively.

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