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kenya 15apr15

Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Spokesman for the militant group Al-Shabaab, Sheikh Mohamud Rage aka Ali-Dhere provided details about Saturday’s deadly attack on General Gordon army base in Mogadishu’s Hodan district, identifying the perpetrator and how many killed in the attack.

He said that Mustafa Mukhtar Aden, 27 years old, hailing from Hudur town in Bakool region, has carried out the attack at the base. He stated the target was high ranking officers from United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Somali National Army in the military camp.

Ali Dhere stated that Mustafa shot down over 50 soldiers among them 17 officers including the UAE and Somali Army officers.

The Federal Government of Somalia did not provide any details regarding to the terrorist attack in the base, but shared condolences with the Government of United Arab Emirates over the death of its officers killed in the attack two days ago.

The Somali President Hassan Sh. Mohamud ordered Army officials to conduct investigations into the attack quickly as a SNA soldier carried out the shooting in the military camp. He was said to be ex-Al-Shabaab fighter.

Security analysts say the attack was the first one of its kind that Al-Shabaab militants conduct on an army base while former Prime Minister of Somalia, Omar Abdirashid Ali Sharma’arke describe the cause as the infiltration of Al-Shabaab into the army.

“My heartfelt condolences to all who died in last night’s tragic shooting at Gen Gorod’s Camp. The infiltration of AS into the security triangle of Military-Police-Intelligence might be deeper than what the eye can see. A through reevaluation of our security sector maybe required”, Sharma’arke said on X formerly Twitter.

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