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Kismayo(Mogadishu24)- President of the Federal Government of Somalia, Hassan Sh. Mohamud that his Government will speed up fight against Al-Shabaab, mentioning that recent devastating riverine floods and heavy rains paused on-going offensive operation.

Speaking at the State House of Jubaland State in Kismayo together with President Ahmed Islam on Thursday morning, Hassan said that Al-Shabaab’ head is in areas under Jubaland, meaning the group’s major strong-holds are in Middle and Lower Jubba regions.

“I was in Kismayo city since yesterday and I had meeting with President Ahmed Madobe, his deputies and members of regional parliament and state, We focused issues of comment interest mainly speeding up the offensive operation in which the recent floods paused and the latest developments”, Hassan said in a press conference.

The President underscored that the Federal Government of Somalia will export support to Jubaland State in areas of fighting against the terrorists and recovering from problems associated with the latest floods that hit the region.

Al-Shabaab militants control the whole region of middle Jubba and other major parts in lower Jubba and Gedo regions under Jubaland State in southern Somalia and they are the group’s major strong-holds for the past 18 years.

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