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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-President of the Federal Government of Somalia, Hassan Sh. Mohamud on Wednesday provided details over the Somalia-Türkiye Maritime Security and Economy Pact in which the cabinet and parliament approved it today.

Speaking at a press conference in Villa Somalia following the Federal Parliament’s ratification of the Somalia-Türkiye Maritime Security and Economy Pact,the President hailed the historic agreement as a cornerstone of the strong cooperation between the two brotherly countries.

“The 10-year agreement will help develop the Somali Navy’s capacity to enhance maritime security, protect resources, and combat international terrorism, external threats, and illegal and unregulated activities in Somalia’s territorial waters”, President Hassan said.

“Turkish Government is a country we can entrust our matters into them….Turkey became the first country which was ready to support us. We will negotiate everyone who is in the interest of Somalia”,the President stressed.

He made clarification about his Government’s request to the maritime deal with Turkey, saying it did not mean to fight or invade other country.

The agreement includes training and equipment for the Somali Navy to help it protect the African country’s marine resources and threats such as terrorism and piracy. For Somalia, it will pave the way for more efficient use of its potential economy, from fishing to tourism and energy resources.

Türkiye plays an active role in Somalia, from education to finance, through its nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) to companies according to dailysabah.

since President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan visited the country in 2011, Türkiye has built an 80,000-square-meter (861,112-square-foot) embassy in Mogadishu, its biggest embassy in Africa. Humanitarian organizations helped avert a famine in 2022 when Somalia witnessed one of the worst droughts in four decades. A pair of Turkish and Somali companies are also building a biogas power plant in Mogadishu to be completed by the end of this year.

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