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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-European Union reiterated its profound respect for the Somalia’s sovereignty, unity and territorial integrity, as diplomatic tensions between the Federal Government of Somalia and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia worsened as a result of sensitive port deal with the breakaway Republic of Somaliland on January 1st this year.

President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud held a productive meeting with the EU Ambassador to Somalia, Ms. Karin Johansson while their discussions focused on advancements in security, development, and Somalia’s ongoing democratization process.

“During the meeting Ambassador Johansson reiterated the EU’s profound respect for Somalia’s sovereignty, unity, and territorial integrity. Both sides acknowledged the significant measures taken thus far to tackle challenges and pledged to foster closer collaboration between Somalia and the EU”, Villa-Somalia said on X.

The European Union (EU) supported EUR 20.5 million budget support payment to the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS), under the EU’s Somalia State and Resilience Building Contract and Support to Debt Relief Action (SRBC) last year.

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