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WhatsApp Image 2024 02 25 at 9.02.51 AM

Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation of the Federal Government of Somalia on Saturday launched ‘feed your self pilot project’, food security initiative aiming to encourage the people to increase domestic production.

“We need to make cultural transformation project of our perception and consumption in line with climate change adaptation mitigation”, Federal Government of Somalia and Federal Member States said in a joint statement.

The Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation, Mohamed Abdi Hayer Mareeye said that the project prioritized changes related to the livelihood conditions, urging citizens to use lands for cultivation purposes, in order to limit demands of foreign products for food consumption.

“Joint Comprehensive meeting between Ministries of Agriculture and Livestock of FGS and FMS on Somali Food Security and to fast track the World Bank Project of Somali Food System Resilience Project (S-FSRP) is underway in Mogadishu”, Mareeye said after two day consultation workshop with FMS here in Mogadishu.

“Integrating climate resilience strategies into the humanitarian assistance is important for creating sustainable, long-term solutions to Somalia’s complex challenges, and this demands a holistic response that goes beyond the traditional aid models in order to build resilience through durable solutions”, UN Envoy to Somalia, Catriona Laing said during her briefing to the Security Council last week.

She was emphasising the 2024 Humanitarian Needs and Response Plan that will require USD 1.6 billion to meet the needs of 5.2 million most vulnerable people in Somalia.

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