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Som passport

Addis Ababa(Mogadishu24)-Somali citizens intending to travel to India for health reasons are facing serious challenges regarding to obtaining medical visas from Indian diplomatic mission in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Authorities of the Somali Embassy in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia told the State-run TV that there were suspension over their facilitation of Indian visa services to the Somali citizens across the region, saying the new Indian Ambassador to Ethiopia demanded for a review to Visa applications.

The Somali Embassy authorities urged patients and other accompanying members to have valid documents like invitations, hospitals referrals or recommendation and get Criminal Record Certificates from the Criminal Investigations Directorate.

Somali nationals used to apply visas from Indian Embassy in Nairobi, Kenya though Somalia’s embassy, but such visa services have transferred to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia early last year because of unexplained circumstances according to Mogadishu24.

Mogadishu24 also learned that Indian Visa Application Services were transferred to Nairobi, Kenya though Somalia’s embassy there again. Mogadishu24 tried to reach out Somali diplomats for further details over the challenges our citizens are facing in obtaining medical visas to India.

Somalia and India founded their diplomatic relations in 1961, a year after the independence and it has neither embassy nor consulate in Mogadishu, Somalia at moment, despite having Ambassador to Somalia. Diplomats describe this as ‘misfortune’.

Most of the Somali people go to India for health, study and business purposes and pay highest prices in gaining travel documents. The two countries are requested to review their friendly relations and find solution to this long-standing challenges.

“Corrupt officials are involved in these activities, it would have been easy if India had either embassy or diplomatic mission in Somalia, you cannot imagine the expenses and costs incurred during our way of getting medical visa, let alone other kind of visa from India”, said an official who declined to be mentioned, but familiar with the situation.

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