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Djibouti(Mogadishu24)-The President of the Republic of Djibouti, Ismail Omar Guelleh on Monday received the Letters of Credentials from 6 new foreign Ambassadors accredited to Djibouti

They were Macgoye, Ambassador of the Republic of Kenya (Resident), Maaes Ennio, Ambassador of the Republic of Ivory Coast, Hassane Maïdawa Amadou, Ambassador of the Republic of Niger, Guillermo Antonio Lopez Mac-Lellan, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain, Kosina Kankanamalage Kumarasiri, Ambassador of the Socialist Democratic Republic of Sri Lanka,Rodrigo Eduardo Guzman, Ambassador of the Republic of Chile

Ambassadors welcomed bilateral relations with Djibouti and expressed their determination to strengthen exchanges and cooperation

Kenyan Ambassador George Macgoye welcomed the shared values and aspirations between Djibouti and Kenya, which have led to strengthened links in various strategic areas. He spoke about the recent Joint Cooperation Commission and his commitment to implement the results to improve the existing cordial relations.

President Guelleh welcomed the diplomats and their success in their missions, assuring them the support of the Djiboutian People and Government.

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