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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somali Prime Minister, Hamza Abdi Barre on Wednesday intervened the situation of large passengers stranded in Mogadishu’s Aden Abdulle International Airport in the past two days after they were imposed to pay additional fee.

Passengers for the domestic flights and Airlines refused to pay the additional fees into the travelers’ tickets, and described the money as illegal and unaceptable and the situation caused partial shut down of the airport.

The Prime Minister visited the stranded passengers inside the airpot and opologized them for the inconvenience in which they were experiencing in the past hours, promising that it will not happen such problem again.

Hamza ordered the Ministry of Transport and Aviation, Airport authorities and Airlines to resume their services and board passengers to their destinations.

This is not the first time, passengers are imposed additional fees, there was another old one which seems to legalized at moment because of what has been designated as security screening. both fees are the same in amount and they are between 8 to 10 dollars per each person.

“This situation cannot be allowed to persist, as it has left passengers stranded at the mercy of the airport’s confines. The justification for implementing this fee remains shrouded in uncertainty. My 8:00 am flight remains in limbo, and rumors circulate that no local flights will depart from Mogadishu today”, said, Dr. Ali Said Faqi, a diplomati experienced himself.

“Early in the morning, while en route to Baidoa, I came to surprising realization – all local flights have been brought to a standstill. The reason behind this unexpected disruption is the Ministry of Aviation’s decision to impose an additional fee of 9 dollars on each passenger”, he said.

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