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Djibouti(Mogadishu24)-In a significant boost to its tourism and economic sectors, Djibouti has on Wednesday inaugurated the Ayla Grand Hotel, a luxurious $200 million project funded by Emirati investor Cheikh Nahel.

President Ismail Omar Guelleh cut the ribbon of the opening of this 217-room establishment which is hailed as a milestone in Djibouti’s ambition to become a regional hub for logistics, economic development, and diplomacy.

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“The Ayla Grand Hotel stands as a testament to the strong bilateral relations between Djibouti and the UAE, offering state-of-the-art facilities and creating job opportunities for 250 locals”, Djibouti Presidency said in a statement.

This initiative aligned with the nation’s sustainable development goals under President Guelleh’s leadership, promising to enhance Djibouti’s appeal as a destination for tourists, business travelers, and diplomats alike.

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