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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Former President of the Somalia, Sharif Sheikh Ahmed on Wednesday held meeting with Chargé d’Affaires of the United States Embassy, Shane L. Dixon in the Somali capital Mogadishu.

President Sharif said on X that he had a productive meeting with Acting US Ambassador Shane L. Dixon in Mogadishu and discussed Somalia’s current situation, especially security challenges and ongoing constitution review debate in parliament, emphasizing the crucial role of all political stakeholders.

“Chargé d’Affaires Shane L. Dixon met with Former President Sharif Ahmed today to discuss regional security and Somalia’s ongoing constitutional review. The United States supports a review process that is inclusive and incorporates input from a broad group of stakeholders”, U.S. Embassy tweeted this after the meeting.

The Embassy had also the same conversation with Former President Mohamed Farmaajo and discussed regional affairs and promote inclusive politics – particularly during the ongoing constitutional review process on Sunday this week.

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