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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Unions of Somali Journalists opposed the Federal Government of Somalia’s appointment of National Media Council, describing them as Unilateral and unacceptable, expressing sorrow about the decision according to Somali Mechanism for the Safety of Journalists (SMSJ), a network of coalition of seven media associations.

“The Somali Mechanism for the Safety of Journalists (SMSJ), which includes FESOJ, SOMA, MAP, SWJO, MWN, SIMHA and SJS and is currently chaired by the Federation of Somali Journalists (FESOJ), sees this process as totally one-sided and private for the government as all the members of the newly appointed Somali National Media Council are government workers”, Unions said in a statement Thursday.

“It’s unfortunate, the process has not been passed through the required legal procedures of making preliminary consultation with the media stakeholders such as the independent media organizations, the civil society organization and state media”, saying that no single part can build Media Council alone.

They suggested to the government of Somalia to reconsider and withdraw from the unilateral appointment of this government-controlled Media Council and consider following the legal process of engaging in the first-place inclusive members from the government, private media and the civil society organization such as Human Rights Commission, Women Associations and Somali Lawyers Association.

“If the government of Somalia fails to give special consideration to our concern, then the Somali government should bear in mind that this appointed Somali National Media Council will eventually doomed to end in failure as likewise the similarly previously established media council”, said the statement, explaining the criteria and process for building such institution which they said, must be inclusive.

The Unions of the Journalists’ opposition to the building of the Somali National Media Council came as the Federal Government of Somalia appointed the council which comprised of nine members unexpectedly and without notice and consultation from them.

The following are the list of the names of the council :- 1)-Abdirahman Mohamed Hassan (Koronto) (2) Mohamed Shiel Hassan Shiil (3) Muno Omar Hassan (4)Yusuf Hassan Mursal (5) Ahmed Mohamed Abdi (6)Mohamed Abdullahi Koshin (7) Hinda Daahir Jaama (8) Abdukadir Osman Abdisalan )9) Fatumo Yusuf Said as proposed by the Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism of Somalia.

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