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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Heavy fighting between the Somali National Army backed by regional forces and Al-Shabaab militants took place at Bar-sanguni area near Kismayo, the administrative capital of Jubaland State after the group fighters attacked SNA base there on Thursday moring.

SNA radio citing military sources said that the army pre-empted an ambush attack from the Al-Shabaab at Bar-sanguni location in lower Juba region, saying they were defeated.

Al-Shabaab militants claimed victory of their attack on the base and said they overran the base, inflicted heavy casualties on SNA soldiers while recovering weapons and ammunitions.

The attack at SNA base near Kismayo comes about a week after suicide car bomb attack at SYL Hotel in Mogadishu where 30 people including members of the Federal Parliament and journalists were injured others and three others killed.

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