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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Former Prime Minister, Hassan Ali Kheyre voiced his concerns over the substantial modifications being considered without the consensus of the Somali people, emphasizing the need for unity, adherence to established procedures, and the importance of a collective decision-making process in state-building efforts.

Kheyre began by recounting the establishment of the third Republic of Somalia in 2000, marking the start of a long journey towards a constitution that would garner wide agreement among Somalis.

“This journey culminated in the provisional Constitution approved by 825 delegates on August 1, 2012, symbolizing a significant milestone in Somalia’s quest for a stable governance framework”, he said.

“It took us 22 years to agree on the provisional Constitution we have today,” Kheyre noted, underscoring the extensive efforts and consensus required to reach this point.

The former Prime Minister reminded his audience of the foundational principles upon which the Somali state is built, including its designation as a Muslim, federal, democratic republic with its capital in Mogadishu. He stressed that these are not mere political decisions but represent the collective will of the Somali people. “These principles…are not decisions that can be easily changed due to political desires,” Kheyre argued, signaling his concern over the proposed sweeping changes to the Constitution.

Highlighting the scope of the proposed amendments, Kheyre criticized the process, suggesting that altering 45 articles and introducing 19 new ones effectively amounts to drafting a new Constitution altogether, without the necessary consensus.

He pointed out the disregard for legal procedures in this endeavor, with changes being made while “the parliamentary quorum is incomplete” and using “new procedures that are not approved.”

Kheyre also touched on critical issues that require attention and consensus before any constitutional review, such as the financial federalism system, the sharing of natural resources, and the status of the capital. He emphasized the importance of addressing these priorities to ensure the stability and unity of the Somali state.

The speech took a somber turn as Kheyre addressed the Somaliland issue, a significant grievance in Somali statehood. He lamented the current leadership’s approach, which, in his view, undermines the political agreements that have held Somalis together and jeopardizes the country’s unity and state-building efforts.

In a direct appeal, Kheyre called on President Hassan Sheikh to remain committed to a collective policy and decision-making process. He reminded the president of his own words on the dangers of monopolizing decision-making and urged him to steer clear of actions that could set Somalia back on its path to statehood.

The former Prime Minister’s speech serves as a crucial reminder of the stakes involved in the constitutional amendment process. As Somalia stands at a crossroads, the decisions made today will undoubtedly shape the future of the country, its unity, and the well-being of its people.

Kheyre’s call to action underscores the importance of responsible leadership, the adherence to democratic processes, and the need for a constitution that truly reflects the will of the Somali people.

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