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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-The Somali Government is on Wednesday facing strong backlash from large number of people including former Prime Minister, Ministers, and Members of the Parliament following the appearance of termination of Security expert, Samira Gaid.

The Minister of Internal Security of Somalia directed the letter to Samira Gaid and gave a copy to the European Union as she was an advisor of the SJGAB project, which is funded by EU after she expressed her views on recent controversial Constitutional amendments approved by the Parliament.

“This letter from the Ministry of Internal Security raises very serious concerns. How can the FGS justify this ego rooted action when the President himself, in one of his Friday lectures, invited people to exercise their rights & advance their opinions on the constitutional debate”, Former Prime Minister, Omar Abdirashid Sharma’arke said on X.

Senator Maryan and Abdirahman Abdishakur also condemned the Government’s action against the female advisor for only expressing her opinion, describing the move as unfortunate and injustices, urging justice and judiciary committee of the Parliament to intervene and investigate the matter.

“It seems that we are not learning from our past, as historical evidence shows that injustice, corruption, nepotism, and the abuse of power have often resulted in the collapse of states. Suppressing opinions is the preferred weapon for insecure regimes that fear criticism. It is a tactics to hide their own weaknesses and lack of competence”, Abdirahman Abdishakur Warsame, an Mp said.

“A mildly critical tweet by @SeraGaid regarding the constitution, as discussed by MPs and all Somalis, should not result in her termination. The government should withdraw this regrettable letter and extend an apology to her. Samira is an expert in security sector reform and SNA and the government ought to consider itself fortunate to have someone of her caliber among its ranks. To err is human, but to persist on a path after being alerted to your mistake constitutes self-harm. It would be in the government’s best interest to make a swift and clear U-turn”, Abdirashid Hashi, former Director of Think Tank, Heritage said.

The termination letter by the Ministry of Internal Security made heavily made circulations through all social media platforms, while commentators accused of the Government to be violating the rights of freedom of expression and exercising extensive power abuses against public against experts like Samira and civil servants.

The termination letter of the Ministry is below:-


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