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Godey(Mogadishu24)-About four hundred chickens were confirmed dead and others are in serious conditions due to extreme head in Godey town under the Somalia’s State Administration in Ethiopia, farmers said Monday.

Salahudiin Abdalla Omar, owner of the poultry farm told the local SRT that they lost 350 chickens while treating others which had an impact of the heat, demanding support from the local authorities to provide them bigger space for keeping chickens well.

“We have never such temperature before, the sun was too hot, claiming lives of more chickens, and In Godey, it is extremely hot in reference to the towns in the region. We have been in this business fror two years and the farm has 2,500 chickens, we will continue working on this”, Omar said.

This is the first mass killings of domestic animals by the extreme heat due to the climate changes in the region, but floods caused similar catastrophic consequences in Somalia’s State under Ethiopian and neighboring countries late last year.

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