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Beledweyne 1

Beledweyne(Mogadishu24)-Thousands of families in the Beledweyne were on Thursday morning displaced, following heavy rainy floods, coursing through the town while Shabelle river overflew its banks in several neighborhoods according to the residents.

The floods have majorly impacted Kooshin and Hawa-Tako neighborhoods, where faster moving water has submerged areas like Raderka, Kutiimbo, and Kalijibis.

“The floods forced us to make emergency displacement, leaving all our belongings in our home which turned into open-swimming pool which was full of water, we took our children only. this is because it was raining through out the night”, a resident said.


In Some areas, the displacement began midnight and families slept roadside along the town to Ceel-jaale, north of Beledweyne in Hiiraan region, but mounting possible fear is from the river which can anytime make disastrous floods into the town according to Mogadishu24.

Mogadishu-Beledweyne direct flights were also reported to have been suspended due to rainy floods in the region.

Regional authorities and Hirshabelle State or Federal Government officials did not comment the floods in Beledweyne. It is also too early to know if there were casualties.

Last year, Haji Osman Dhagahow resigned from his position as the chairman of the Beledweyne flood management committee.

He stated that the reason for his resignation was the dysfunction caused by the operations of the Beledweyne dam and excessive intervention. The city often remained volatile for witnessing floods caused displacement annually or twice a year.

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