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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-At least five people including a Police officer, Abdukadir Mohamed Hashi aka Juqlawe were on Monday killed and several others injured after Hirshabelle State Police forces and locals clashed at Haji Ali area near Aden-Yabal district in Middle Shabelle region.

One of the dead was said to be killed in the area overnight and he was described to be a community while the four others were the Police officer, a soldier and two women in the neighborhood according to independent sources.

Deputy Police Force Commissioner of the Federal Government of Soamlia, Zakiya Hussein said on Facebook post that the officer lost life while he was in an operation to prevent clannish fighting between two sides in the region, sending condolence to the families and friends over his demise.

Middle Shabelle region hosted deadly fighting between between Abigail sub-clans in the past two years after the removal of Al-Shabaab militants at several locations in the same region, peaceful efforts by former Somali President, Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and Hirshabelle State ended in a failure.

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