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Jigjiga(Mogadishu24)-Authorities of the Somali Regional State in Ethiopia inaugurated water and electric supplies projects in Dhagax-Madow and Bilcilbuur districts in Jarar region which are expected to rise the economic growth and livelihoods of the communities there.

State Minister of the Presidency, Hussein Hashi said Sunday that his government spent 102 million Ethiopian Birr into the two key projects, saying they also opened other projects under lowlands livelihood resilience projects (LLRP) and urged the beneficiaries to show ownership.

The communities in those two districts welcomed the completions of the projects and thanked the state authorities for implementing basic services.

According to IFAD, the proposed project of the LLRP aimed to enhance livelihood resilience at scale in the most marginalized regions of Ethiopia. 

“The project will benefit approximately 2.5 million people (500,000 households) as primary beneficiaries, including: (i) pastoralists and agro-pastoralists in the targeted rangelands; (ii) those opting out of pastoralism or interested in alternative livelihoods; and (iii) communities in selected woredas that have access to social services (education, health, water, veterinary services, etc.)”, IFAD said.

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