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Jigjiga(Mogadishu24)-The Deputy President of the Somali Regional State in Ethiopia, Ibrahim Osman Farah, highlighted substantial reforms within the region’s judicial system during the annual meeting and evaluation of the performance of the courts. The event, held in Jigjiga, focused on last year’s progress, challenges within the judiciary, and plans for the upcoming year.

“Big changes have been made in judicial agencies, justice branches, and courts. We have worked on building and balancing the rule of law, which is fundamental to the system of government,” stated Deputy President Farah Tuesday.

The meeting brought together key figures, including the chairman of the general court of the Somali Regional State, Mr. Ali Baarud, the deputy spokesman of the parliament, Ibrahim Hassan, as well as representatives from executive agencies, law enforcement, and various regional leaders.

Deputy President Farah emphasized the importance of these reforms for achieving sustainable development in the region.

“The balance and rule of law are key to the system of the government to achieve sustainable development,” he added.

Mr. Ali Baarud, chairman of the general court, also praised the progress made in the judicial sector.

“There has been a good change in the judicial agencies of the country and the region,” Baarud noted.

The meeting served as a platform for discussing the judiciary’s performance, sharing experiences, and setting directions for future improvements. The reforms are expected to enhance the effectiveness and fairness of the legal system in the Somali Regional State, contributing to broader regional stability and development.

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