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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Ethiopian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Taye Atske-Selassie, on Wednesday welcomed Dr. Annette Weber, the European Union Special Representative for the Horn of Africa and had discussions focused on peace and security issues in Somalia, Ethiopia, and Sudan.

A significant part of the meeting was dedicated to the peace efforts in Sudan, led by Ethiopian Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed. Both Ambassador Atske-Selassie and Dr. Weber praised Prime Minister Abiy’s initiatives and emphasized the need to support his efforts.

They highlighted the importance of working together within the African framework to ensure peace in Sudan.

The discussions also covered the current situation in Somalia, where both sides acknowledged the ongoing challenges and the need for sustained international support. Other regional issues concerning the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea were also addressed.

“The two discussed the current situation in Somalia, as well as other issues concerning the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea. The two sides concurred that further discussions should be held to strengthen Ethiopia-EU strategic cooperation”, Ministry of foreign of Ethiopia said on X.

Ambassador Atske-Selassie and Dr. Weber agreed that further discussions are necessary to strengthen Ethiopia-EU strategic cooperation. This partnership aims to address regional security challenges and promote lasting peace and stability in Somalia, Ethiopia, and Sudan.

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