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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Acting UN Special Representative James Swan on Thursday held meeting with the Speaker of the House of the People, Sheikh Adan Mohamed Nur Madobe, to discuss critical legislative and constitutional issues amid a recent parliamentary crisis.

The meeting addressed plans for parliamentary consideration of electoral laws and the next four chapters of the constitution, alongside enhancing cooperation between the UN and the Somali Parliament.

This high-level discussion follows the postponement of a parliamentary session due to a lack of quorum, a situation that has sparked frustration and controversy.

Speaker Madobe expressed his disappointment, stating, “The Parliamentarians are in Mogadishu city and they did not attend the parliamentary sessions. We did not get the quorum.”

This postponement occurred just three days after the Somali President inaugurated the fifth session of the joint parliament.

The absence of quorum and subsequent postponement have fueled accusations from some parliament members who claim that the parliamentary leadership lacks independence and is overly influenced by the executive branch of the government.

Swan’s intervention appears to be an effort to mediate and find solutions to the emerging conflict related to the House’s activities. By discussing key legislative priorities and the constitution, the UN envoy aims to facilitate a more collaborative and effective parliamentary process.

The outcome of these discussions remains to be seen, but the meeting underscores the urgent need for cohesive action to resolve internal parliamentary disputes and ensure the smooth functioning of Somalia’s legislative body.

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