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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-At least five people mostly football fans were killed and more than others were injured a car bomb explosion happened at a coffee shop in Bondhere district in the Somali capital Mogadishu on Sunday evening according to Police.

Somali Police Forces Command said in a statement that Al-Shabaab militants parked a car filled with explosive and detonated it at the ‘Top Coffee’ shop in Bondhere district, saying the group did not want development and peace for the Somali society.

The Police also confirmed that there were property losses in which the car bombing cause, adding that they are still gathering information regarding to the casualties of the incident.

Witnesses recounted the situation of the scene after the deadly car bomb attack while describing it as shocking mood.

“Loud explosion happened when were watching a final football march between England and Spain, It was a situation of panic and we could not know how to escape as the main entrance and exit gate was burning down with flames of fire. I was among those jumped over the wall at back of the building as the emergency teams delayed and did not come on time”, said, Mohamed Tarsan, a journalist who was among the fans.

Independent sources and eyewitnesses confirmed that more 10 people were killed and over 20 others injured in the car bomb attack at the Top Coffee which opposite the Ministry of youth and sports and Daljirka Dahson(Unknown soldiers’ monument) in Mogadishu’s Bondhere district with security presence.

Al-Shabaab militants did not comment on the latest car bombing at the tea-shop in Mogadishu, but this came a day after fighting between Al-Shabaab inmates in central prison and prison guards left at least eight including soldiers and 21 others mostly prisoners injured according to Somali Custodial Corps.

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