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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Mogadishu 24 has obtained exclusive details on the recent seizure of a significant cache of weapons and munitions near Abudwak, Somalia. According to security sources, local militias intercepted two trucks loaded with arms, raising serious concerns about the security situation in the region.

First Truck Seizure:

2,200 AK-47 Assault Rifles
260 American-made M16 Sniper Rifles
800 Handguns (Pistols)
200 DShK Guns (intended for mounting on Toyota pickup trucks)
Second Truck Seizure:

Ammunition for the weapons seized in the first truck were being transported in the second truck. Numerous bulletproof vests were also captured, falling into local militias and civilians.
A local security official, who requested anonymity, commented on the interception, stating, “The entry of illegal arms from across the porous colonial border into mainland Somalia isn’t new, but the type of weaponry and munitions intercepted today by the militias even took the authorities in Abudwak by surprise.”

The official further remarked, “Bulletproof vests and American-made M16 Sniper Rifles are not prevalent among clan militias in Somalia, but regardless, we (our clan) have them now. It’s better to use them instead of them being used against you.”

Samira Gaid, a security expert and former head of Somali security sector reform, expressed her concerns on Twitter:

“The lifting of the arms embargo on Somalia needs strict oversight to protect that gain and ensure safety and stability. The unverified videos from Abudwak are disturbing and allude to a breakdown of security and order. Procurement of weapons and ammunition must remain centrally managed.”

Unverified reports indicate that two senior politicians from the Galgudud region were involved in smuggling arms from Ethiopia. These arms were subsequently sold, leading to confrontations between security guards, convoys, and militias. The clashes resulted in the weapons falling into the hands of militias and civilians, causing casualties.

Somalia’s Ministries of Security and Defense did not provide details about the military consignment and motives behind this action which many say will only add fuel to the deadly conflicts between clans in Galgudud and Mudug regions in central Somalia.

This seizure underscores the ongoing challenges Somalia faces in controlling the influx of illegal arms and maintaining security and stability in the region. This comes six months after the United Nations’ Security Council lifted arms embargo on Somalia.

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