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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Somali religious scholars have strongly denounced the assassination of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who was killed in an airstrike by Israel in Tehran, Iran, overnight. The scholars expressed their solidarity with Palestinians and grief over the loss of Haniyeh.

Expressions of Condolence and Solidarity

Sheikh Aden, representing the Somali religious scholars, shared a message of sorrow and solidarity. “On behalf of Somali religious scholars, we share sorrow with our Muslim brothers worldwide over the shocking killing of the great leader of Hamas. We extend our condolences to the Palestinians. May his soul rest in peace, and may Allah accept his martyrdom,” Sheikh Aden stated.

Political Reaction

In a joint press conference with the scholars, Mohamed Sheikh Ahmed, a member of the Federal Parliament of Somalia, described the killing of Haniyeh as an additional plot and atrocity against Hamas and the Palestinian people.

The unified stance of Somali religious scholars and political figures highlights the deep connection and support for the Palestinian cause within Somalia, reflecting a broader sentiment of solidarity in the Muslim world.


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