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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Hundreds of Mogadishu residents gathered at Liido Beach on Monday to express solidarity with the victims of the recent suicide bombing at Beach View Hotel, which left at least 40 people dead and 247 others injured. The large gathering was organized by the Mogadishu municipality and the Federal Government of Somalia to protest Al-Shabaab’s attack on civilians.

Government ministers, civil servants, and regional authorities participated in the rally. Mogadishu Mayor Yusuf Hussein Madale addressed the protesters, stating, “Al-Shabaab has no religion, humanity, and they are killers. It is a must on us to fight them. He who dies while fighting them is martyred. We must be united and fight against the enemy.”

Somalia’s Minister of Health, Dr. Adam Ali, also spoke at the rally, reminding residents of Al-Shabaab’s previous deadly attacks in Mogadishu, including the Shamo Hotel bombing in 2009, the Hargaha & Samaha attack in 2011, and the Zope attacks in 2017 and 2022. He urged the public to collaborate with security forces to prevent further tragedies.

Al-Shabaab claimed responsibility for the attack on Beach View Hotel on Friday night, stating that its fighters killed 54 people and injured 87 others in a suicide bombing and shooting, targeting government officials. In response, the Federal Government has established a committee to collect funds for the victims of the attack.

The international community has condemned Al-Shabaab’s actions in the capital and expressed solidarity with the Federal Government of Somalia. The rally at Liido Beach underscored the unified resolve of Mogadishu’s residents and officials to combat terrorism and support the victims of this heinous attack.

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