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Hargeisa(Mogadishu24)-The Breakaway Republic of Somaliland has on Wednesday expressed strong disappointment at recent comments made by the Egyptian Minister of Foreign Affairs during a joint press conference with his Turkish counterpart, Hakan Fidan in Cairo.

Somaliland described the statements regarding the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between Somaliland and Ethiopia as inaccurate and misleading, asserting that they disregard the sovereign rights of the Somaliland people.

Somaliland’s government reiterated its unwavering commitment to the MoU, emphasizing that the agreement reflects the shared interests and mutual respect between Somaliland and Ethiopia. The partnership is viewed as a cornerstone of regional stability and economic cooperation.

The government of Somaliland emphasized that it is a distinct and independent nation, not part of the Mogadishu administration. Somaliland declared its independence on May 18, 1991, and has since maintained its borders, democratic institutions, and rich cultural heritage.

“We call upon the Egyptian government to respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Republic of Somaliland,” said in a statement. Somaliland also urged Egypt to focus its diplomatic efforts on pressing issues within its borders, such as the crises in Libya, Sudan, Palestine, and Lebanon.

Despite the recent comments, Somaliland remains determined to pursue full international recognition. The government made it clear that it will not be deterred by unfounded claims or external interference in its internal affairs.

The remarks from Somaliland follow two days after Egypt’s foreign minister, Badrr Abdelatty who reaffirmed support for Somalia’s sovereignty and territorial integrity during a press conference in Cairo alongside his Turkish counterpart.

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