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Ankara(Mogadishu24)-Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan held a phone conversation with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed Ali, focusing on regional developments, bilateral relations, and Turkey’s ongoing mediation efforts to ease tensions between Somalia and Ethiopia.

During the call, President Erdoğan emphasized Turkey’s commitment to resolving the tensions between Somalia and Ethiopia, highlighting the importance of Ethiopia taking steps to address Somalia’s concerns regarding its unity, sovereignty, and territorial integrity. Erdoğan expressed that such actions would significantly facilitate the mediation process.

The leaders also discussed strengthening bilateral ties, particularly through doubling trade volumes, and enhancing regional cooperation. Prime Minister Abiy expressed his appreciation for Turkey’s mediation efforts and emphasized the significance of Ethiopia’s need for access to the sea in a mutually agreeable manner.

This phone call took place just a day before the scheduled talks between Somalia and Ethiopia, set to begin in Ankara on August 12, 2024. Turkey is mediating the second stage of these discussions, which were originally planned for September 2 but were moved forward due to the urgency of the situation.

Tensions between Somalia and Ethiopia escalated after Ethiopia signed a controversial agreement with the breakaway republic of Somaliland, leasing 20 kilometers of sea access. Somalia rejected the deal, declaring it null and void, leading to a diplomatic rift between the two countries. The upcoming talks in Ankara are seen as a crucial step towards resolving these tensions.

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