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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-Hundreds of rickshaw (Bajaj) drivers took to the streets of Mogadishu, particularly on the main Maka Al-Mukarama road connecting the airport to Villa Somalia, to protest against high taxes and unaffordable license fees.

The drivers argued that the current financial demands are irrelevant to their economic circumstances and criticized the roadblocks imposed for security reasons.

In some areas, the police intervened, using force and engaging with the protesters to listen to their grievances. However, the tuk-tuk drivers expressed dissatisfaction with the police’s actions, stating that they cannot afford the fines and daily harassment from traffic officers, who reportedly demand $20 and $200 payments.

The drivers called for top government officials and Mogadishu municipality authorities to address their concerns.

Mogadishu municipality authorities responded by condemning the protests as unauthorized.

Deputy Governor of Benadir region, Mohamed Ahmed Yaboh, said, “We will not accept protests to happen in the city. The tuk-tuk drivers expressed concerns, but there is an alternative way to submit complaints. This protest was a mistake, and they will take responsibility.”

The protests come amid widespread financial difficulties and concerns about bankruptcy in the city, a topic that has sparked viral debates on social media. Government officials, including President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, have defended the government’s position in the ongoing financial debate.

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