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Mogadishu(Mogadishu24)-At least ten people, including soldiers, were killed and others injured in a devastating explosion at a teashop in Mogadishu’s Daynile district on Saturday. Eyewitnesses reported that the blast completely destroyed the business center, leaving a scene of horror and destruction. Despite the severity of the attack, Somali Police forces have not yet commented on the casualties.

The explosion follows a pattern of attacks by Al-Shabaab, which frequently targets the capital with face-to-face assaults and remote-controlled bombings.

Al-Shabaab militants claimed the responsibility for the attack in Daynile district and said that it killed 15 Government soldiers and injured 40 others.

This attack comes just a day after the United Nations’ Agency for Safety issued a warning about potential terrorist attacks in Mogadishu, highlighting key areas such as KM-4 junction, Maka Al-Mukarama, security checkpoints, hotels, and government headquarters as potential targets.

The warning, similar to previous alerts from the UN’s green zone, was tragically validated by the recent violence. Security analysts noted that a suicide bombing by Al-Shabaab at Beach View Hotel in Mogadishu’s Abdiaziz district last month resulted in 40 deaths and 247 injuries, following a similar security alert that was not heeded.

In light of the ongoing security threats, the United States has also added Somalia to its list of countries where citizens are advised against traveling, citing the high risk of terrorist attacks.


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